NEW: Completely Revamped Account Password Reset Process

NEW: Revamped Account Password Reset Process

One of the most common complaints we received is regarding the process for resetting a forgotten account password. We listened and implemented a much better process.

Previously we had a 3-step system that involved first clicking the "Forgot your password link" and submitting your email address (to receive an email with a reset code), then going back to the website and entering in both your username and the reset code, then creating a new password. Admittedly, this was a painful process that was overly complicated and often users had a difficult time.



The new password reset system has been revamped to be much simpler and faster (with less steps):

  1. Click the "Forgot your password" link on the login page
  2. Enter your email address to receive a reset link
  3. Click the reset link in the email you receive
  4. Create your new password on the page

That's it! Now there is only one simple email link to click and then you can immediately create you new account password. After you successfully create a new password, you will automatically be logged in.

Once again, we thank you all very much for providing valued feedback about the system and areas we may be able to improve. Our goal is to have a system that is as easy to use as possible for all of our users.


Thank You,

Bryan Earl
Guns Alaska Classifieds